
BRASTER S.A., owner of the revolutionary technology for breast cancer diagnosis accomplished next level of works carried out with Warsaw University of Technology (PW) on the development of artificial intelligence algorithms for computational analysis of imagine received from BRASTER TESTER device. Obtained results confirm system potential and are in accordance with Company’s expectations.

Works on system started on January 2015. Earlier The Faculty of Electronics and Information technology (EiTI) PW prepared initial research project, which least three months and accomplished with success in December 2014.

"It is an important moment for development of our project. After almost a year from beginning of cooperation with Warsaw University of Technology. Currently we possess working prototype of system, which is a key element for strategy fulfilment." – said Marcin Halicki, President of BRASTER S.A.

In result of performed works was created system allowing loading of thermographic test, automatic tests classification with application of three independent algorithms and is retrieving information about probability of occurrence of pathology in test form (probability level of pathology of given test 0-100 pct.).

The results, depending on the classifier used, were as follows: 36%–84% for sensitivity, 54%–94% for specificity and 54%–91% for accuracy.

"The objective at this stage was to determine boundary conditions and thus it is natural that our results are much dispersed. The subsequent works will focus on optimization of the system operation and increasing the set of thermograms, based on which the app ‘learns’ to identify lesions. We expect that they will result in narrowing the range of obtained results towards the upper boundary." – explains Michał Biernat, Head of the Product Development Department of BRASTER S.A.

The results of the next stage of works will be known in November this year.

In June 2015, BRASTER moved its listing from NewConnect to the main Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) market. Before its debut on the WSE, the company held a successful public offering, as a result of which it obtained PLN 39 million from investors. The company will allocate the capital from the issue to financing its new development strategy to introduce the Braster device to direct sale to women in the second half of 2016. The funds will be used for building a technology line, developing the final, commercial version of the device, creating a system for the automatic interpretation of thermographic examinations received from the Braster device, and completing the work related to placing the product on the market.

The product will first be available on the Polish market. In 2017, its distribution in Germany and the United Kingdom is projected to begin. A year later the device will be placed on the markets of, among others, other European Union countries and the United States.

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