
BRASTER S.A, the owner of a revolutionary technology supporting breast cancer diagnostics, participated in another international industrial conference, which is particularly relevant for selling the device abroad. Africa Health, the largest medical expo in Africa, was held on 8–10 June in Johannesburg. The participation of BRASTER’s representatives was a very good move from the commercial and marketing perspective.

It is a great opportunity to establish new business contacts. The aim of the participation was to initiate cooperation with potential commercial partners. Companies from such countries as South Africa, Nigeria, Turkey and China expressed their interest in distributing the product in the future. BRASTER attracted considerable interest of international partners, which may ensure the commercial success of the Company’s device on foreign markets.

Africa Health is the most important medical exhibition in Africa. Year after year, they attract an increasing number of exhibitors and visitors. This year, 500 companies from 57 countries presented their achievements in the area of health care. About 8,000 specialists participated in this event. Health care solutions and products were presented by such countries as the USA, Belgium, Germany, Brazil, the UK, Austria, Pakistan, Spain, India, China, Taiwan, Turkey, Switzerland, South Korea and Italy. During the exhibition, the guests had a chance to participate in workshops and conferences devoted to breast cancer and osteoporosis prevention, organised by global companies, such as GE Healthcare and MBST.

Work of the Sales Department of BRASTER Company is a continuation of the consistently implemented Company’s strategy, which includes acquisition of partners on international markets and developing business relations on the domestic market. Next year, BRASTER will most likely participate in Africa Health as one of the exhibitors.

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