
BRASTER S.A., the owner of the revolutionary technology supporting breast cancer diagnostics, participated in a major European sectoral conference – SIS. At the congress, the Company’s representatives gave presentations and talked to more than 40 individual physicians from all over the world.

The public presentation of Braster to the international medical community was very positively received by numerous physicians. This may considerably speed up the commercialisation on the foreign markets.

The 19th SIS World Congress on Breast Health Care and the National Congress of Polish Society for Breast Cancer Research "Falenty 2016" took place last week. It is a major conference gathering several hundred specialist physicians from all over the world every two years.

During the 4-day congress BRASTER’s representatives gave presentations and talked to more than 40 individual specialists from i.a. Poland, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Italy, France, Greece, Sweden, Israel, Ecuador, Columbia, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The physicians were very positive about the device and the way it operates. The telemedical solutions and the unassisted interpretation of thermographic images with the use of manual algorithm raised particular attention. Moreover, many people we talked to expressed their interest in using the Braster examination results in their every-day work, considering the possibility to compare the results of different examinations, i.e. thermography, ultrasound, mammography, in order to improve the quality of breast cancer diagnostics.

Such a great interest in the distribution of Braster may significantly speed up its commercialisation on foreign markets. Numerous physicians indicated their willingness to cooperate in the potential sale and distribution of the device in their countries. During the congress, preliminary talks were initiated with representatives from i.a. Israel, Turkey, South America and the Middle East. In the near future, the talks will be continued directly by the Sales Department.

Multicentre clinical examinations constitute another area for future cooperation. Both foreign physicians (e.g. from Sweden and Israel) and domestic physicians from new centres were interested in participating in and carrying out the examinations in their home clinics. In this area, further talks are also planned.

See also

Dutch company Pezy will design a customer version of the Braster device

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Dutch company Pezy will design a customer version of the Braster device

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