
From 21st to 23rd of March Braster system was present at EBCC11- European Breast Cancer Conference. Quoting the first words from Organizators invitation letter “The aim of the European Breast Cancer Conferences is to support the establishment of a European multidisciplinary platform for scientific exchanges on all aspects of breast cancer, from bench to bedside.” It’s one of the largest Breast Cancer Conference outside the USA. This conference provides a unique multidisciplinary setting for all professionals with a common interest in breast cancer. Participants from over 90 countries had a chance to share the most recent scientific knowledge. Many Breast Cancer Professionals visited our booth and were very interested in Braster System. They appreciated the idea of a device that can help women in the first step of taking care of the health of their breasts.

Braster na European Breast Cancer Conference w Barcelonie


Braster na European Breast Cancer Conference w Barcelonie


Braster na European Breast Cancer Conference w Barcelonie


Braster na European Breast Cancer Conference w Barcelonie

See also

Braster on European Congress of Radiology in Vienna

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Braster on European Congress of Radiology in Vienna

Braster on a Doe maar Duurzaam program in Dutch TV

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Braster on a Doe maar Duurzaam program in Dutch TV
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