BRASTER to start a medical pilot project in Japan

The producer of a unique device for breast self-examination signed today another agreement for a pilot project. The partner of the Company is MedicaIQ with its registered office in Dubai. The pilot project will be executed in two ways, as a medical project - aimed at physicians and a technical one - aimed at the selected group of female patients. The pilot project is going to start in the 3rd quarter of 2017.
"As announced, we are starting another pilot project. Our partner in the UAE (United Arab Emirates) is going to be a global company – MedicaIQ, offering various kinds of services in the scope of public health. It is a partner we met during this year’s Arab Health fairs in Dubai. From our point of view, the cooperation is of strategic character. As I’ve already mentioned, the Middle East is a region with huge development potential for our company due to cultural conditions, but also provides a significant opportunity for research reimbursement." – says Marcin Halicki, President of the Management Board of BRASTER S.A.
Just like in the case of the previous agreements, before starting the sales in the Persian Gulf region, the device and the telemedicine system will be tested by physicians and by individual female users. Our cooperation assumes the examination of at least 50 female patients. The physicians selected will be renowned opinion leaders in the field of breast cancer in the Arab states.
At the same time, our partner will assist our Company in contacting the distributors in the area of the United Arab Emirates who have experience in distribution of medical devices.
The gained experience in the pilot markets will be used to prepare for an expansion to subsequent markets. At the end of June/beginning of July, BRASTER informed of launching pilot sales in Ireland and of a medical pilot project in Japan. Soon, Braster is planning to launch more technical pilot projects, among others in the Netherlands and Portugal.
Until the end of this year, the Company is planning to start sales in Great Britain, and technical pilot projects in Canada, Brazil and China. The Company submitted an application to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for marketing the device in the USA. The application was assessed positively in formal terms, and BRASTER is hoping that a positive decision will be made as early as this year, so as to be able to start the activities aimed at entering that market, characterized by the largest commercial potential.
The Company is planning to enter more markets (Germany, Japan, Korea) in 2018.
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Wyrażam zgodę na używanie przez Braster S.A. telekomunikacyjnych urządzeń końcowych w celach handlowych i marketingu bezpośredniego, zgodnie z art. 172 ustawy z dnia 16 lipca 2004 r. Prawo telekomunikacyjne oraz zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 18 lipca 2002 r. o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną. W szczególności wyrażam zgodę na otrzymywanie telefonicznych połączeń przychodzących inicjowanych przez Braster S.A. Oświadczam, że zostałam poinformowana o dobrowolności wyrażenia powyższej zgody oraz o możliwości jej odwołania w każdym czasie.
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