
BRASTER has signed a preliminary lease contract for a hall where the final assembly of the BRASTER tester device and final quality checks will be performed. The Company, which is now moving its quotations to the main market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE), is the owner of a revolutionary technology for supporting breast cancer diagnostics.

The hall’s surface will amount to ca. 1,200 sqm, of which three quarters will be intended for the assembly part and the rest will be organised into a quality control laboratory and office facilities.

The hall will be leased from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2020.

“The most important part of BRASTER TESTER – LCD matrices – will be produced on our production line, which is currently under construction in Szeligi. However, we also need additional surface, where we will assembly finished devices out from our matrices and electronic components provided by external partners. The location of the hall was chosen in view of optimisation of costs of transport between the production plant and the assembly hall,” explains President of the Management Board of BRASTER S.A. Marcin Halicki.“An additional, final quality check will be also performed in the assembly hall, which will further increase the reliability rate of our devices and allow for reducing warranty service costs,” he adds.

The warehouse will be located in Blizne Łaszczyńskiego (Stare Babice gmina), about 10 km from the centre of Warsaw and 1.5 km from the Company’s headquarters in Szeligi.

The final contract is to be signed on June 30 at the latest, i.e. the deadline for preparation of the executive design of the hall, which should take into account requirements of BRASTER S.A. The contract will entry into force only if the Company signs an acceptance report by December 31, 2015.

The conclusion of the contract is another step towards realisation of the strategy foreseeing introduction of the BRASTER TESTER device for sale in the second half of 2016.

In February this year, BRASTER launched construction of a production line for LCD matrices, which constitute the key element of the BRASTER TESTER device. The construction of the technological line is to be completed by the end of this year, while all required tests, acceptance and launch are to take place in the first half of 2016.

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