Algorithm developed by the Warsaw University of Technology will increase sensitivity and specificity of the Braster device

BRASTER sped up activities leading to obtain security for its inventions and trademarks in the next countries. Until now patents for it were registered in 17 countries including China, Japan and United States and application for it are undergo in another several dozen countries. According to Company’s strategy BRASTER TESTER device will be available for sale in second half 2016.
Company extend actual protection of all three patents and four trademarks.
"Both inventions which are necessary for project to success and thanks to which the development of matrices for our device were possible are protected in several countries. In the next several dozen countries we have already applied for patents. In most of the cases simultaneously with patents applications for individual markets, the registry of company’s trademarks is held." – explains Marcin Halicki, the president of BRASTER S.A. – "RWe have started also registration procedures for patent for our complete device – BRASTER TESTER. Application is already under process in appropriate offices in over 40 countries." – he adds.
Developed by the BRASTER SA. research team technologies are internationally secured with the patent registrations in EPO territory (European Patent Organisation – particularly European Union countries and also Albania, Turkey), BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and Australia, Japan and other Asian countries, also Canada United Stated. Granted patents guarantee Company a protection from concurrency for 20 years from patent registration.
The patent protection covers innovative, unique solutions:
A mixture of liquid crystal compounds, a system of three liquid crystal mixtures, and their use. This invention is the key element of the matrix since, thanks to an appropriate mixture of liquid crystal compounds, it enables precise imaging of thermal anomalies on the surface of the examined woman’s breast using Braster’s liquid crystal matrix. Thanks to a unique mixture of liquid crystal compounds, the matrices are designed to cover the entire range of temperatures on the surface of the examined breast.
The patent for the invention has already been granted without limitations in Australia, Belgium, China, Greece, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, Macao, Malaysia, Norway, Serbia, Singapore, and Slovakia. The invention is protected conditionally (the fee is required by a specific deadline) in South Korea, Poland, and Russia, among others. Patent applications have been lodged in 24 other countries from five continents.
A liquid crystal oil-water emulsion and the preparation method of the liquid crystal emulsion. The emulsion is the “carrier” of the thermo-optical (liquid crystal) matrix and the second key element of the Braster matrix.
The patent is already effective without limitations in Australia, Belgium, China, Greece, Hong Kong, Canada, Macao, Norway, Serbia, Slovakia, Singapore, the United States, and Sweden. It has been granted conditionally in South Korea, Poland, and Russia, among others. Patent applications have been lodged in 25 other countries from four continents.
A device for imaging, recording, and saving thermographic images, a system of three liquid crystal matrices used by this device, and its application for the detection of thermal anomalies.
The patent application covers a precisely described, assembled Braster device, the system of three liquid crystal matrices, and the method of their application for breast cancer diagnostics. Patent applications have been lodged in over 40 countries, including Australia, Brazil, China, India, Japan, Canada, Germany, Poland, Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom.
According to the Company’s strategy for 2015–2021, published in November, the Braster device will be available for sale in the second half of 2016. It will first be available on the Polish market. In 2017, its distribution in Germany and the United Kingdom is projected to begin. A year later the device will be placed on the markets of, among others, other European Union countries and the United States.
Zostaw swój numer, oddzwonimy i odpowiemy na Twoje pytania
Wyrażam zgodę na używanie przez Braster S.A. telekomunikacyjnych urządzeń końcowych w celach handlowych i marketingu bezpośredniego, zgodnie z art. 172 ustawy z dnia 16 lipca 2004 r. Prawo telekomunikacyjne oraz zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 18 lipca 2002 r. o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną. W szczególności wyrażam zgodę na otrzymywanie telefonicznych połączeń przychodzących inicjowanych przez Braster S.A. Oświadczam, że zostałam poinformowana o dobrowolności wyrażenia powyższej zgody oraz o możliwości jej odwołania w każdym czasie.
Strona realizuje sprzedaż jedynie na terenie Holandii. Jeżeli chcesz zrealizować zamówienie na terenie Polski przejdź na
Wyrażam zgodę na używanie przez Braster S.A. telekomunikacyjnych urządzeń końcowych w celach handlowych i marketingu bezpośredniego, zgodnie z art. 172 ustawy z dnia 16 lipca 2004 r. Prawo telekomunikacyjne oraz zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 18 lipca 2002 r. o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną. W szczególności wyrażam zgodę na otrzymywanie telefonicznych połączeń przychodzących inicjowanych przez Braster S.A. Oświadczam, że zostałam poinformowana o dobrowolności wyrażenia powyższej zgody oraz o możliwości jej odwołania w każdym czasie.
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